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素 su

Home Pinyin su

吃素 chīsù vegetarian

词素 císù morpheme

雌激素 cí jīsù estrogen

毒素 dúsù toxin

黑色素 hēisèsù melanin

胡萝卜素 húluóbo sù carotene

激素 jīsù hormonally; hormone

抗生素 kàngshēngsù antibiotic

卤素 lǔsù halogen

尿素 niàosù urea

朴素 púsù simple

燃素 ránsù phlogiston

色素 sèsù pigment; pigmented

素材 sùcái material

素菜 sùcài vegetarian dish

素描 sùmiáo sketch; sketches; sketching

素食 sùshí vegetarian; vegetarianism

素数 sùshù primes

素养 sùyǎng attainment; literacy

素质 sùzhì qualities; quality

微量元素 wéiliàng yuánsù trace element

维生素 wéishēngsù vitamin

我行我素 wǒxíngwǒsù my own way

纤维素 xiānwéi sù cellulose

像素 xiàngsù pixel; pixels

要素 yàosù element

因素 yīnsù factor; factored; factors

音素 yīnsù phoneme

营养素 yíngyǎngsù nutrient

元素 yuánsù element

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce